What is

OpenRouter is a comprehensive AI tools web aggregator that grants users access to a wide array of AI models designed for various purposes. Through the OpenRouter Playground, users can explore and utilize new AI models. The platform boasts a diverse selection of AI applications, including the renowned, which is a multimodal texting AI equipped with an impressive 640.4 million tokens. Additionally, users can also benefit from Venus AI, which offers 232.1 million tokens. For iOS users, Spicy Chat AI is available, providing 223.6 million tokens, while MaxAI offers 62.9 million tokens. By browsing through different characters and models, users can engage in chat conversations powered by AI. OpenRouter also offers Agnaistic, a chat service that prominently showcases AI capabilities with its 22.3 million tokens. With its extensive range of models, OpenRouter caters to a variety of needs and preferences. Use Cases

  • Easily create NLP applications using an API that grants access to LLM models.
  • Access and utilize new AI LLM models through an API.
  • Participate in chat conversations enhanced by AI. Details

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