
What is Magicform?

Magicform AI is an innovative tool that harnesses the power of GPT-4 technology to effectively transform website visitors into enthusiastic customers by providing them with round-the-clock live chat support. With its ability to be trained to respond to inquiries and scan documents, Magicform AI proves to be a versatile solution for businesses. The seamless integration of this tool onto any website is made possible with just a single line of code. Magicform AI offers a range of pricing options, including a free plan, as well as Pro and Enterprise plans that offer enhanced features and capabilities. With a track record of assisting over 3500 small businesses worldwide, Magicform AI has proven to boost conversions by an impressive 20-40%.

Magicform Use Cases

  • Offer round-the-clock customer assistance.
  • Implement automated customer support.
  • Enhance website conversion rates.

Magicform Details

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