
What is Llmchess?

The llmchess application utilizes advanced AI models, namely GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, to provide an engaging chess-playing experience. Users are required to obtain an API key by placing an order and gaining access to the tool. Once the key is obtained, users can select their preferred model and commence a game as the white player. The game controls are conveniently located with "start" and "end" buttons, while a log of the game's progress is displayed on the right-hand side of the tool. It is worth noting that the tool has been thoroughly tested on Google Chrome and was developed by Max Hager with the intention of catering to the needs of avid game enthusiasts.

Llmchess Use Cases

  • Utilize AI to enhance your chess skills.
  • Engage in a game of chess against an AI opponent.
  • Evaluate and experiment with various AI chess algorithms.

Llmchess Details

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