
What is Lettria?

Lettria is an advanced AI platform that operates on the cloud and requires no coding skills. Its primary purpose is to organize and structure textual data in an efficient manner. With a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, Lettria allows users to perform tasks such as text labeling, cleaning, managing ontologies, customizing vocabularies, and handling taxonomies. By leveraging Lettria, businesses can significantly enhance their productivity by automating time-consuming activities and eliminating low-value-added project tasks. The platform offers customizable features that cater to various business roles, including data scientists, data engineers, analysts, and product teams. Additionally, Lettria boasts an intuitive interface, making it user-friendly for all users. Its AI Studio empowers companies to deploy powerful AI solutions in a matter of weeks, ensuring rapid implementation and tangible results.

Lettria Use Cases

  • Product Team: Utilize advanced NLP APIs to expedite project deployment and streamline the production process.
  • Data Scientist: Eliminate low-value tasks and concentrate on the core objective of developing and implementing AI models.
  • Data Engineer: Employ a secure infrastructure to gather, sanitize, and preprocess text datasets, enabling immediate model training.
  • Business Analyst: Build a customized AI engine without any coding, enhancing efficiency and automating labor-intensive activities.

Lettria Details

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