
What is Hexometer?

Hexometer is a cutting-edge AI-powered tool designed to provide round-the-clock monitoring for websites, ensuring that businesses can quickly address any issues that may arise. This comprehensive tool covers a wide range of potential problems, including server issues, slow loading times, broken links, spelling errors, SEO changes, and security vulnerabilities. With its continuous monitoring capabilities, Hexometer keeps a close eye on six key areas of a website's performance, providing real-time notifications through various channels such as email, SMS, Slack, Telegram, and Trello. This tool is particularly beneficial for agencies, as it offers support for monitoring multiple client websites through a convenient multi-client agency dashboard. In addition, Hexometer offers white-label SEO and performance audits, allowing users to track website changes and assess their impact on performance over time.

Hexometer Use Cases

  • - An app that provides ongoing monitoring of websites for businesses.
  • - A dashboard app designed for agencies to manage multiple clients' websites.
  • - An app that offers SEO and performance audits, which can be customized with a business's branding.

Hexometer Details

  • Pricing: Subscription
  • Categories:
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