
What is Clarity?

Clariti is an innovative AI tool designed to assist users in analyzing news stories by categorizing them based on their political bias. With a commitment to impartiality, Clariti effectively divides topics and sources, ensuring users are well-informed and up-to-date on current events. By presenting today's most significant stories from a wide range of media outlets, Clariti offers a comprehensive overview of the news landscape. Additionally, the tool features a filtering and sorting system that organizes articles by topics from the previous day. Furthermore, Clariti includes an attention bar on its front page, displaying related articles from news sources with left, center, and right-leaning perspectives.

Clarity Use Cases

  • Investigate the political slant in news reporting..
  • Monitor news articles on specific subjects from various political viewpoints..
  • Stay up-to-date on current affairs using impartial news outlets..

Clarity Details

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