
What is Buildt?

Buildt is an innovative AI tool that aims to assist developers in efficiently navigating and comprehending extensive codebases. Unlike conventional search methods that rely on basic string matching, Buildt offers advanced context-based search functionalities. This enables users to conduct comprehensive file codegen throughout their projects and access detailed line-by-line analysis in popular programming languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Ruby.

One of the key strengths of Buildt lies in its utilization of proprietary synthetic data sets to train its AI model. This training process significantly enhances the tool's ability to accurately interpret code, resulting in more precise search results and insights. It is worth noting that Buildt prioritizes user privacy and data protection. The tool does not retain copies of the indexed codebases and implements strict policies to safeguard user information.

Buildt Use Cases

  • Efficiently search and comprehend extensive code repositories.
  • Generate complete code files for an entire project.
  • Retrieve detailed analysis of code on a line-by-line basis in supported programming languages.

Buildt Details

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